Well, it seems that not only August is the month for road works and diversions. There are apparently over 380 individual jobs taking place on a street near you, and if you haven't been woken at some ungodly hour, then you're sure to run straight into a road block soon. So, those kind and conscientious people at the council office have decided to give you a hand. Cue Barcelona Road Works Website (No that's obviously not what it's really called, but I'm linking to it that way). Due to go live today (so don't blame me if the link isn't working), the site plans to detail all the sites with details of how long the job is supposed to last (so multiply that by, say, 3) and other routes to avoid the particular areas. Let's hope it saves us drivers some time, as those yellow notices obscured by trees on the side of pavements really aren't' doing it for me. Any thoughts? Feel free to comment below.
Coming to Barcelona soon? Why not rent a Barcelona Apartment as a great money-saver? And for a quick look at the sights, see this Barcelona Guide.
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