Monday, December 7, 2009

More Virtual Barcelona - Google & UNESCO

There seems to be an emerging trend on the internet of creating virtual ways of visiting places you've never been before, and Barcelona is also getting it's fair share. It's even got a video game to boot.

I've blooged before about these kind of things, and now it seems that Google has joind in on the party.

Google Earth UNESCO Sites - BarcelonaSights Blog

Released this week is an extension to the already fantastic Google Earth (if only for playing with and wasting time on) showing the UNESCO Heritage sites around the world. Barcelona is the proud owner of 9 UNESCO World Heritage Sites and the new tool for Google Earth highlights the different sites, making it easier for you to find them. Unfortunately the feature doesn't let you stroll around like the promo video has (or at least not at the moment) for the places on the list, but it's still a pretty cool feature anyway. You can download the UNESCO extension here.

If you're planning on visiting Barcelona soon, I can reccommend you check out these apartments for rent in Barcelona, instead of plugging for the usual hotel room, too.


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