This week the City Council announced that it was going to create a brand new website making visitors to the site able to view the whole city of Barcelona directly from their computer. It's a kind of google maps/Microsoft Virtual Earth idea, but better. At least from the advance press releases on the site, the new virtual Barcelona includes an enormous amount of detail, and you can even go in and out of certain buildings.

We'll have to wait until next year before the site is up and running, but the benefits are even stretching as far as the local Fire Brigades who would be able to see the structure of a burning building on the site before arriving and having to asses the site of the blaze. Local or new businesses could check the area for developments, etc. Tourists can check out the street their apartment or hotel is located on, and what else is around. Film-makers can see real-time locations in outstanding detail. The ideas and possibilities are endless, and the graphics look amazing.

Barcelona Media and the city council are presenting the project at the Barcelona Globalgeo which is running at the moment at the Fira de Barcelona at Montjüic.

The project boasts the possibility of viewing over 120,000 buidlings with 250 specific buildings in greater detail. It certainly looks like it'll be the new cool thing to come out of Barcelona. And the ad revenue it could create is also huge (no plans yet, I'm assuming!).
For cheap Barcelona accomodation try looking at studio apartments in the city. Also, read up on the city with this great Barcelona tourist guide.
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