Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bastoneras in the Old Town

Bastoneras in the Raval - BarcelonaSights Blog This weekend (Saturday) saw the Bastoneras of Catalunya celebrate their annual festival in Barcelona's Old Town. The "Bastoneras" are traditional groups who dance with wooden sticks, and traditional attire with flutes and drums performing in and around the streets of the city centre.
A meal was celebrated in the Rambla del Raval, and previously, the groups from all around Catalunya paraded around the old town, las ramblas and Plaça Sant Jaume, performing dances and animating the streets and the spectators. All walks of life were represented, and the whole parade brought life into the city with tourists and locals alike transfixed by the well-rehearsed routines.

The participants wore costumes in bright colours, similar to those of the castellers but with flag bearers following, and some had bells around their ankles, too.

Barcelona Sights-  Bastoneras in the Old Town

With over 70 groups participating, it was a flurry of colour and noise to compliment the fine weather, and a great spectacle for those watching. Did you see the Bastoneras this weekend? Comments welcome as always guys!


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